What is it?
As a 8th grade class at Parras Middle School, students worked together to find a "cause" they want to help and did much research on. After, we interviewed multiple professionals on the cause to understand more about it. The last part of the project was to "make a difference." Which is informing others on the cause. The best of the best projects were invited to show the public in a showcase, Project Now. The 8th graders are putting on this showcase to inform the public on their causes. Keep reading to find out some of the causes being presented

Animal Abuse
Multiple kids that why be presenting their projects to the public did animal abuse. Neglect and Abuse of animals will be presented to the public in this showcase. Many of the kids interviewed professionals from huge foundations like Peta.

Many of the students performing in the showcase are alerting the public on bullying and racism. At the event, the public will see a student made movie, a student wrote poem, and much more on the topic. Students looked at Anti-bullying organizations such as The Trevor Project, GLSEN, and Pacer.
Come to the Showcase to learn more on bullying!

Child abuse is one of the most largest issue regarded in the showcase. The students have been educated by many professionals on the topic, learning causes, affects, and ways to prevent child abuse. There are even child abuse centers in our area, such as The Richstone Family Center. Come learn more about Child abuse and how to prevent it!
Child Abuse

School Safety
School Safety has been a HUGE topic nation wide, due to tragic events all across America. Students were learning of this project when a men walked into a school and killed over 20 people. Sandy Hook influenced the students to find a way to make schools more safe. Students have talked to parents of children that were killed in the shooting.